You Are More

"Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me."  We all heard that growing up and we all know it's not true.  Words can pierce your heart like a dagger and bring you down.  And Ladies, we especially have a hard time with this.  So let me just encourage you and say, you are more.

I have had people say things that preyed on my own insecurities and brought me down because I re-evaluated my self-worth.  Then there are times some mean things are said that I know absolutely aren't true and those don't hurt.  It's because I know that's not who I am.  I know I am daughter to a Holy King who loves me and sees everything about me before it ever happens. I know when people judge off a perceived image it's usually based on other factors. So I say to you, do not lets words dictate how you see yourself or worse yet, how you feel about yourself.  Worry about what God thinks.  The opinions of other people have no eternal consequences.  The time when the opinion of others is most useful is when it prevents you from doing something foolish.

People may never let you live down a mistake, may hold it against you in the future when you haven't messed up, but God is quick to forgive and forget when you ask Him.  "I trust in God, so why should I be afraid?  What can mere mortals do to me?" Psalm 56:11

Stop worry about what others think:  about you, about your life, about your problems.  The only result that brings is counterproductive.  Instead, remember that God is on your side.   And in Him and Him alone is where you will find ultimate comfort and resolution.  We are all sinners.  We didn't nothing to deserve the gospel and we can't do anything to take it away.


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