Marriage Rules

Marriage Rules... If u want a successful marriage, hang with those who have one.- Rev. Run Wilson

For couples who are dating or engaged, I can not stress this enough.  Last night I got a chance to spend time with one of the most amazing Christian couples I'm blessed to know.  They opened their home to me, served me, and the wife cried with me and mourned with me; it was simply beautiful!  To truly understand the beauty of this image listen to Gregg Matte's podcast from the last three sermons from the series "Hereafter".  You can listen here, or podcast through iTunes.

Even more amazing was to watch the actions of the husband serving his wife and his children.  Hearing stories of troubled times and the mountain of joy that they are climbing towards and how they handled those valleys was an image that I want my marriage to mirror.  That's a marriage many Christians would want to mirror.  But not just for marriage for how Christians should live their lives and open their doors to those in need to be there when they need prayer, to love people like Christ loved people.

You can't have a successful relationship by hanging out with your single friends who don't have the same values as you in a relationship.  I'm not sure you can even have success if you hang out with your friends who are dating but don't have the same values.  I'm not saying it has to be this way all the time, but more times than not.. Clearly, I don't have much room to talk as a 27 year old who has never been married.  But I do know my relationship has gone better when I am surrounded by couples who hold the same values I do.  So it's just food for thought (:

May you be blessed! 9 Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: 10 If either of them falls down, one can help the other up.  But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up.  Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

And a special Happy 63rd Anniversary to my dear family friends, Jack & Juanita Ercanbrack!!  You just don't see love like theirs anymore.


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