Winter Wonderland!!

What a sight to wake up to in Dallas, Texas- SNOW!!!
It was BEAUTIFUL!! And the thing is, it didn't stop! Now on the way into work the snow was constant, consistent but not super heavy and just starting to stick. And as I watched out my window at work, I couldn't believe the snow kept coming and it started to come down harder. When I went to leave work, my car and the ground was covered with snow! I'm talking up to 4 inches at least! And I was pleasantly surprised with the way Dallas drivers were handling the snow- impressed even. Luckily, I only live 3.1 miles from work so I was able to take the back road and stay off the freeway so that probably helped. And even though, I have never been in snow, both of my parents have lived in snow and told me a few tricks of the trade so to speak on driving in less than sunny weather... The key being to SLOW DOWN. And since I was 16, I have to admit, "slow down" and "driving" have not been something I was able to stick together in my vocabulary. But yesterday, yesterday was different. I went about 25mph on the way home and made sure I gave plenty of room to brake. Mom and dad aren't you proud?
(The picture on the Left is driving into work, the picture on the Right is driving home)
By Jim Rohm
Life is a struggle from the cradle to the grave - - there is hardship and adversity, disease and poverty - - day to day survival often seems to be a struggle. In my case, it is obvious to me that I have been best able to cope with life’s encounters when I have reminded myself that the real struggle in our lives is the struggle within ourselves. No matter how hard we try we cannot win every race we enter, but it’s a certainty that if we don’t enter the race, we will absolutely never win. It is just as much a certainty that if we enter the race and give it our utmost effort, then we may not win, but we will never be defeated. If, when the race is over, we can say to ourselves, “I did the best I could”, then we haven’t been defeated. There is only one Gold Medal winner in each Olympic event, and the one who wins it deserves all the honor and credit that goes with winning - - but those honors and that medal are given as recognition by others. The true satisfaction to those Gold Medalists has to be that, “they did the best they could”. The ability to be the best in the world in anything is a gift from God. The discipline and determination to use that talent to the best of ones ability is something within one’s self.
That discipline and determination to use and develop God given talent and ability certainly isn’t limited to Olympic athletes - - it is all encompassing. Everyone has problems, everyone has challenges, everyone has disappointments and reverses. How we deal with them is up to each of us as individuals. If we believe in a higher power (and I can’t imagine how any intelligent human being can go through life without such a belief) and we pray for strength and understanding to meet life’s challenges, then I think that our prayers will almost surely be answered. If, on the other hand we pray for God to handle our problems for us, then I think an answer to those prayers will be less likely to be forthcoming. Whatever the challenge, if we try to deal with it with God’s help, then our chances of coping are good. If we simply step back and say, “God will take care of it”, then we haven’t faced the challenge – we have merely side stepped it.
Simple facts and thoughts, yet so true. When I competed in pageants I had a quote in the back of my head, "Success is not measured b what you achieve, but what you give up in order to accomplish it." So I ask you, are you giving it all you have? Are you giving your best day in and day out to God, to your wife or husband, your family, your friends, your job? If not, isn't it time you start?
Have a wonderful Valentines Weekend! If you are spending it with a loved one, make sure they feel extra special. If you're not spending it with a loved one, make sure you tell your family and friends how much they mean to you.. And stay warm :)
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