Girls Gone Country!
So last night some of my bible study girls and girls from Watermark Church met up and went to the Fort Worth Rodeo. Let me tell you it was a night to remember!!
First, the rain made the traffic horrible! I got off work in uptown Dallas and met over at Ally's house to change and go. I was running late but the girls were all nice enough to wait for me. Then, we hit traffic getting to FTW.. We finally got to FTW, found the rodeo and decided to go grab a bite to eat somewhere else BESIDES the rodeo... And we found Dos Gringos! This is where the fun began.
All ten of us sat right in the front and this sweet old man came up to ask us if we would sing karaoke. If you know me, you know I'm no stranger to karaoke and I'm not afraid to get on stage. So we dug through the book to find the perfect song.. Or not so much.. you see none of the other girls knew the easy country song I picked out. Everyone started backing out and it was only going to be Lauren, Rachel, and me. Then Ally, Hannah and Bree got up there too and we brought the house down with Dixie Chicks, Some Days You Gotta Dance..
Notice the lady with the tambourine?
So then its off to the Rodeo! Or so we think...
We get to the Rodeo and it turns out our "tickets" aren't really tickets. They were vouchers for tickets and we have to redeem them... So we go through about 5 people telling us where to go to redeem the tickets. We finally get to the ticket office and they are closed. So I tap on the window. These two not so lovely ladies answer and are no help. (not that they were ugly, just not nice) They informed us we were supposed to redeem the tickets between 6 & 7 and they now want us to pay $16 a ticket for the last 30 minutes of the rodeo. (not going to happen btw) So then, we decide to look at the animals and see if there's any back way people will let us in. That didn't work either. But thanks to the nice smile of one of my BEAUTIFUL friends, a nice fire fighter got us in. We even got our picture with the rodeo announcer!
AND then.. (nope not done) we had to go say thank you and goodbye to the fire fighter who let us in the rodeo in the first place. But it was SO worth it! WE got to put on bunker gear and get on the fire truck! You should have seen this gear! All melted and burned. I can't imagine what they go through in those fires!
Best quotes from the night:
"I'll pray for you two." ~Anonymous
"There's refried beans caked in my phone.. sweet" ~Anonymous (but a different person)
On an end note, I love this: "Faith is putting all of your eggs in God's basket, then counting your blessings before they hatch." -Romana C. Carroll
Challenge ME Moment: I encourage you to keep believing, keep dreaming, and refuse to give up. Remember that regardless of the obstacles you face, our Creator is never intimidated by the magnitude of your mess. Put your eggs (all of them, not some of them) in a better basket.
Challenge ME Moment: I encourage you to keep believing, keep dreaming, and refuse to give up. Remember that regardless of the obstacles you face, our Creator is never intimidated by the magnitude of your mess. Put your eggs (all of them, not some of them) in a better basket.
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