11 years ago... We Will Never Forget..

Bonfire. What began as a trash heap in 1909 grew into a massive wedding cake design, which at its tallest stood 109 feet, 10 inches. Bonfire symbolized A&M’s burning desire to beat the hell out of t.u. It was a task of a monstrous size instituted and executed almost entirely by students over the course of a near-century. It brought to together the Corps of Cadets, non-regs, residential halls, men, and women to build this monument to Aggie dedication and fervor. Bonfire became emblematic of Aggieland and held a meaning greater than just the desire to win a football game. It symbolized the Aggie spirit and a dedication and drive for building something greater than ourselves. Those who saw it burn on campus have said there was nothing like it. The heat and flame was so much that it even burned their shadows into the ground. Those who built it can attest to the sheer amount of strength and manpower it took to construct a project of that size and magnitude. ...