An Abundance of Blessings

Being engaged is supposed to be one of the happiest times in your life right? But not with out a little bit of stress... SO I'm writing to remember the many blessings Cale and I have received while planning our wedding. Because regardless of how much money you spend on your wedding, at the end of the day you're still going to be married and THAT'S WHAT SHOULD MATTER :) Many of my friends know my mom and step-dad lost their jobs as part of the Continental/ United merger, and before Christmas, my dad faithfully quit his position at his church. So when Cale and I got engaged, we knew that we would be fronting the cost for the wedding. The GREAT parts about this are that we were forced to have those difficult money talks before we were married, and (Dave Ramsey would be so proud) we are paying for our wedding in cash so we won't be in debt as we start our marriage! Now the best part has been watching God move and make things happen! Here are just som...