7-Day Challenge

I briefly touched on this 7-day "Focus ME" challenge I am participating in hosted by Marshawn Evans in my last post from yesterday.  From her website she states, "The theme for the 7-days is FOCUS. Each day we will explore a different aspect of focus and focusing. My hope is that at the end of the 7-days you will have the clarity, confidence and strategies you need to be properly positioned and sustained in 2011." The first three discussion topics were:
     -Purpose Driven Focus
     -Deciding with Discernment
     -The Power of Perserverance

Something that stood out to me during last night's discussion was "The more time we spend with God, the less important problems become."  And man is that so true..  These last few days, I have really dived into the word and though I feel a sense of joy in my heart, I also feel alone.  I believe that's because as I get closer to God, I get further away from the things of this world that distract me from him, and that's something I am ok with (:

Marshawn said God told her to share this prayer with our group because someone needed to hear it, "help me to speak exactly what you say and help me to step exactly where you show".  If you read my last blog, you know that was my prayer!  And she went on to describe that "the magnitude of your calling can only manifest if you mature your focus.  Maturity will determine whether you miss it, move in it, master it, or (if you're not careful) manipulate it."  And that obviously hits right at home.  As humans we have to ensure that the decisions we make are the Will of God and not our own.  When you listen for God’s answer, there are three responses you are likely to receive:  1) Yes 2) Wait 3) I Have Something Bigger.

I am reading this book The Christian Atheist: Believing in God, but Living like he doesn't Exist.  And there is a story in there about this pastor that realized he needed to expand his church because they kept having to turn people away..  The church tried to raise money for the expansion project but fell EXTREMELY short.  The pastor and the elders were embarrassed and didn't understand why God wouldn't want them to expand their church to share the Gospel with all the people who were pouring in.  A short time later, one of the elders presented another building on the other side of town and it ended up being another campus to the church.  You see?  God had something BIGGER!  He knew that it was more convenient for the church to have multiple locations, to reach even more people, than to expand the current one!  His scope is ALWAYS greater than ours!

Tonight's topic is Praise n'Positioning.  Psalm 21:13 (Amplified Bible) 13Be exalted, Lord, in Your strength; we will sing and praise Your power.

Make it a great week of worship!


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