
Showing posts from July, 2010

The Often complicated world of Dating

"Be a best friend, tell the truth, and overuse 'I love you'.  Go to work.  Do your best.  Never outsmart your common sense.  Never let your praying knees get lazy. And love like crazy." Honestly, I am probably the LAST person to be giving dating advice, given my track record.  I know what doesn't work and I know what does.  I just can't seem to work with another person to do all the things that work and leave out all the things that don't.  But here's my two cents worth.. Love. The definition is much debated, and the reality varies, depending upon where you are in your relationship. For example, love when you're walking down the aisle to exchange your "I Do's" is pretty different from the love you share when you're celebrating your hard-won, 50-year anniversary.  The thing is, many of us aren't even close to the proposal phase, let alone wedding or golden anniversary. What we want to know is: Does he like me? Do

...It's been a while (Part 2)

Warning !  Junk relationships are hazardous to your health. So if you refer back to ...It's been a while (Part 1) you will find a list of 60 words that 38 people used to describe me.  As part of an experiment to see how others saw me living my life.  Two words really stood out to me: naive and fragile.  They both were from guys that know me fairly well, and sadly I think they are right.  Just last week, I was g-chatting with a fairly new friend  about my "trust issues".  LITERALLY it is my greatest down fall in a relationship after two really bad ones I had back to back.  In my defense, I am completely open and honest about it, and more than able to admit it.  (Even though, in talking with my girl friends, I think a lot of us have trust issues).  My g-chat friend though, he pointed out the way I trusted the second boyfriend of the two was because I was naive and stupid.  He said that now I have learned to be smart.   *It should also be noted that someone wrote tha

..It's been a while (Part 1)

[I'd like to preface that since it has been a while, I am going to be all over the place and it's probably going to be pretty long.. Bear with me and try to follow. I actually might even break it up into two blogs]   "Express yourself with dance, it's more than words can say.   No artist can capture it on canvas marble or clay.   You can say so much by moving your body around. You can say so much with out making a single sound. Much work is put behind it, but in the end it shows.  For when a person dances, her inner spirit grows." I first heard that in 9th grade.. And I still remember it.  It's so true!  When I am dancing, I don't seem to have a care in the world.  When I am on that stage, it's like everything else stops.. Although, there are plenty of times where I have used personal experiences to add to the emotion or character of a dance.  But Sunday that was not the case.  Sunday, I just danced!  After the two weeks I had gone through before t